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If you would like to improve the signs of ageing there are several options.

Portrait einer Frau mit schöner Haut

Beautiful Skin.

We can offer you individual counselling to meet your requirements and agree a treatment plan to meet your objectives to rejuvenate your skin and to make you look more attractive. The following methods can be applied:

Hyaluronic Acid

For a safe treatment you need to have the expertise and long-term experience to use the “right” HA in the right place for example you must avoid clogging lymph vessels under the eyes, which can happen if the wrong type of acid is used. There are cross-linked and not-linked HA`s.


One is predominantly used as a filler for lines or cavities, the other to revitalize the skin, differentiation is important. Rest assured, that we have all the knowledge and expertise to make the treatment safe.

Poly-Lactic-Acid (PLA)

Poly-lactic-acid (PLA) can induce collagen formation to build up the skin. Unlike collagen itself, which is no longer being used for injection purposes, because it can induce allergic reactions, PLA is a safe substance.
This treatment does not have an immediate effect, it igradually builds up over six months and lasts for two years. This acid is for deep lines only, not superficial ones. Hyaluronic Acid and PLA can be combined in one treatment.

Botulinum Toxin

If you want to treat lines caused by muscle movement, botulinum toxin is the treatment of choice.

Hand Rejuvenation

The appearance of your hands tells your age. But you can de something about it. A combination treatment for your hands can make all the difference. Three appointments are necessary, the price includes treatment products:


Skin augmentation
Removal of Age Spots
Laser Tightening

Want to look your best?

Due to the specialized nature of the treatments available please contact us via email, telephone or contact form.

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Let us advise you

If you would like to make an appointment, please call us or send us your inquiry online.



Dr. Christiane Ravens
Dr. med. Clarisse Klainguti
Oberwachtstrasse 2
8700 Küsnacht


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